Burgeon Sports Facility ( Shenzhen ) Co., Ltd is a professional seating solution suppliers in China. We dedicated to delivering quality, value and service. The principals have over 20 years experience each involved in the design, manufacture, sales and installation of variety of seating solution.
Burgeon specialize in retractable / telescopic seating system, outdoor bleachers and stadium seating which we have designed, engineered and manufactured. Every part of our products is designed in house. All our staff are well-expeienced people. We utilize the latest technologies in designing and modelling our production lines. Smart technologies that let us be at the forefront of our industry.

Our attention to detail, the small details can make a huge difference at the end of the day.We possess our own 3D modelling technologies, so all new parts can be produced and tested prior to being introduced to the untis. It gives us the capabilities to be more flexible than other manufacturers.
Not all systems and suppliers are the same. We know how to provide custiomized seating solutions adapter your need and the special requirement you are planing. Ensure you know what you are getting. We value our reputation, products and customer relationships.
Relying on its proven experience, our team will follow up your projects through from initial stage of your need to the final completion.