Year Established:
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Cixi Fuhai Yanyan Electrical Appliance Factory, established in 2006, located at the home appliance industry town-Fuhai, Cixi City. With convenient transportation, it only takes one hour from factory to Ningbo port. Factory is engaged in several different kind of products, each product was designed by factory CEO himself. In order to fabricate product easily by all the workers, factory CEO makes the mould with special idea. In order to control the product quality well, factory CEO knows each step of fabrication very well. Under this situation, more and more customers would like to choose our products. "QUALITY FIRST" is always our persistent aims. Every year, factory will launch new products to meet different customers' requirement, meanwhile, factory will also make mould according to customers' design. Before, most of the customers are from domestic market, from this year, we will develop more customers from foreign countries. We sincerely invite you to browse our website and find corresponding products that you are interested in.