Founded in 1997, East Shineray Group Co.Ltd. Shineray Group currently has more than 50
(hereinafter referred to as Shineray Group)is a subsidiaries, including Shineray Automobile
large-scale enterprise that is engaged in sectors Co., Ltd.. Chongging Chain Marketing Co.
such as manufacturing, fnancial service and Ltd.. Vietnam Shineray Automobile Co.. Ltd.
intelligent travel. SWM Motors of Italy, Chongging Shineray
Motorcycle Co.Ltd.,Chongging Shineray
After years of development, Shineray Group has Agricultural Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing
now formed a 4+1 integrated industry-financing Suxiang Technology Development Co..Ltd.
development platform that involves automobiles. Shineray Intelligent Automobile Co., Ltd.anc
high-end motorcycles, agricultural machinery and
Chongging Shineray Financial Lease Co.. Ltd
universal machinery, smart mobility+ financial
In 2014,Shineray Holdings took wholly-owned
acquisition of SWM, an Italian brand, and
Its 4+1 regional layout covers Chongging Fuling acquired BMW'S manufacturing base of
Manufacturing Base, Chongqing High-tech Zone Husgvarna in Milano, Italy.
Manufacturing Base,Vietnam Manufacturing
Base and SWM Italy Manufacturing Base +Head- In 2018, the output value of Shineray Group
quarter of Chongqing Foreign Business District. exceeded 10 billion yuan.